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Equation Concepts

Select each option that is an equation.

What is an equation?

How many numbers makes 0 = 3x – 7 true?

How many solutions does y = 3(0) – 7 have?

What is another name for the point where y = 3x – 7 and y = 0?
(Strategy hint: make a quick sketch of this information.)

What is another name for the point where y = 3x – 7 and x = 0?

What strategy did you use to solve the last problem?

(What is another name for the point where y = 3x – 7 and x = 0?)

You know that a linear equation, y = mx + b, is graphed as a line. What does the line show about the solutions of the equation?

What does the parabola show you about the solutions of a quadratic equation (like y = 4x2 + 22x + 81)?