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5. Rescued

What is this chapter mainly about?

What could be another title for this chapter?

In the very beginning of this chapter, George says something that is not true. What does George say?

How do the Littles try to help Stuart?

In the beginning of this chapter, Mr. Little tells Mrs. Little, "Just don't get yourself all worked up."

What does "all worked up" mean in this sentence?

Mr. Little calls the Bureau of Missing Persons to report that Stuart cannot be found. When does the man hang up on Mr. Little?

Why do you think the man hangs up "in disgust" on Mr. Little?

Why can't the Littles hear Stuart calling to them?

Find this sentence towards the end of the chapter, "'George!'" "shouted Mr. Little in an exasperated tone," "'if you don't stop acting in an idiotic fashion, I will have to punish you.'"

What does "exasperated" mean in this sentence?

In the same quote from the last question (also copied below), what does "tone" mean?

"'George!'" "shouted Mr. Little in an exasperated tone," "'if you don't stop acting in an idiotic fashion, I will have to punish you.'"

What does George do instead of finding another mousehole entrance?

How does Stuart finally get rescued?

In the chapter's last paragraph, Stuart tells the Littles, "As for my hat and cane being found at the entrance to the mousehole, you can draw your own conclusions."

What does he mean by this?

Were there any events that weren't clear to you?