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Problems: Coins, Stamps and Tickets

Adalberto has $2.25 in dimes and nickels in his pocket. He has nine more nickels than dimes. How many of each type of coin does he have?

A Complete Solution to Consider

Step 1. Read the problem. Make sure you understand all the words and ideas.

  • Determine the types of coins involved.

Think about the strategies you have used before. The first thing you need is to notice what types of coins are involved. Adalberto has dimes and nickels.

  • Create a table to organize the information.
    • Label the columns: We use “Type”, “Number”, “Value”, “Total Value”
    • List the information you are organizing, in this case coins (Dimes and Nickels).
    • Write in the information you have about these variables:
      • The value of each type of coin
      • The total value of all the coins

We can work this problem all in cents or in dollars. Here we will do it in dollars and put in the dollar sign ($) in the table as a reminder.

The value of a dime is $0.10 and the value of a nickel is $0.05. The total value of all the coins is $2.25.

TypeNumberValueTotal Value

Step 2. Identify what you are looking for.

  • We are asked to find the number of dimes and nickels Adalberto has.

Step 3. Name what you are looking for.

  • Use variable expressions to represent the number of each type of coin.
  • Multiply the number times the value to get the total value of each type of coin.

In this problem you cannot count each type of coin—that is what you are looking for—but you have a clue. There are nine more nickels than dimes. The number of nickels is nine more than the number of dimes.

  • Let d = number of dimes.
  • d + 9 = number of nickels

Fill in the “number” column to help get everything organized.

TypeNumberValueTotal Value
Nickelsd + 9$0.05

Now we have all the information we need from the problem!

You multiply the number times the value to get the total value of each type of coin. While you do not know the actual number, you do have an expression to represent it.

And so now multiply number·value and write the results in the Total Value column.

TypeNumberValueTotal Value
Nickelsd + 9$0.050.5(d + 9)

Step 4. Translate into an equation. Restate the problem in one sentence. Then translate into an equation.

0.10d + 0.05(d + 9) = 2.25

Step 5. Solve the equation using good algebra techniques.

  • Write the equation.                         0.10d + 0.05(d + 9) = 2.25
  • Distribute.                                           0.10d + 0.05d + 0.45 = 2.25
  • Combine like terms.                           0.15d + 0.45 = 2.25
  • Subtract 0.45 from each side.             0.15d = 1.80
  • Divide to find the number of dimes.  d = 12
  • The number of nickels is d + 9 . So, 12 + 9 = 21 nickels.

Step 6. Check.

  • 12 dimes: 12(0.10) = 1.20
  • 21 nickels: 21(0.05) = 1.05  and $1.20 + $1.05 = $2.25✓

Step 7. Answer the question.

Adalberto has twelve dimes and twenty-one nickels.

Now it’s Your Turn!! Liliana has $2.10 in nickels and quarters in her backpack. She has 12 more nickels than quarters. How many coins of each type does she have?