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Salma Supports

Welcome back! I am guessing that the only thing that may be confusing for the rest of year is math. If you ever need math help (or any other subject), you can always reach out using the options below. In the meantime, keep finding books you like so you can continue to build your reading skills while you have fun!

Please describe everything you are working on this week. Choose one way to share this information.

  • You can write it in Google docs,
  • your Mom can email (,
  • you can call me after 4:30 at 571.641.7611,
  • or you can write a comment below.

If you ever want help with any test or project, just click through these questions to share what you need. I will read through your answers and provide support.

Secondly, if you just want to explore along some of the topics we have been discussing, please check out this Google site. These steps explain how to create your own Google logo using software. You can consider submitting this after you make it perfect.

If you have questions about a sentence or a word, please use the comment section below. (You may need to log in first, but it’s free to do.)

Materials & Activities from Previous Weeks

You can reach out to me any time if you need any help this week. You can use the comments below or upload a file here. Next week, we will be very strategic about preparing for your tests before Winter Break.

Upload any file you want to share here.

Art History Resources

Here are some art resources that you can use to read for information while learning about types of art you may not see in your classes.

Please click on the link below and read each section under the ā€œContentsā€ heading. This 1993 exhibit introduces some of the plastic qualities of African works of art, along with a basic orientation regarding the artworksā€™ function and significance in their culture. When you have finished reading, return to the homepage and click on the ā€œArt of the African Maskā€ link at the bottom of the page to view the collection. This exhibit will introduce you to a few different types of traditional African masks. Please note that the term mask refers to the entire costume, and what most students traditionally consider the mask ā€“ which is actually the headpiece ā€“ often sits atop the head rather than on the face.

Art Contest information

Now that we are getting close to a season with less intense academics I want to start getting back to the art topics we started with in the beginning. Today, please look at the six art contests listed here and bring notes that describe: What art is due, When is it due, One thing you like about the contest, One thing you do not like:

Here is a seventh contest. This one is STEAM because it has science you know with art and engineering. If you have time answer the questions about this contest too:

Whenever you could use extra resources, just let me know! I am here to help you meet your goals.


We talked some about this, but I wanted to add a little bit more context to our discussion. Long-term goals are inspirational. They are big, grand and represent the best version of yourself. That said, it’s had to know if you are meeting or falling behind meeting your long-term goals. That is why you want to write 1 or 2 long-term goals, then write a few short-term “SMART” goals that work toward your long-term goal.

So, your way to stay inspired and motivated is:

  1. Write 1-2 long-term goals.
  2. Write a few SMART goals (Maybe one for each subject or a couple that focus on study processes you know work for you.)


I worked with the people at Khan Academy and I know they value proportional relationships as much as any topic in mathematics. Proportions show relationships that exist continuously (e.g., when you drive 55 miles per hour, your distance traveled changes proportionally). The fundamental idea behind proportions are ratios. Ratios are in recipes (2 cups of water for each 1 cup of rice; there are 3 girls for every 2 boys, etc.).

If you feel like some practice on ratios would be helpful, Khan Academy has a series of videos. (Make sure you actively listen to the videos by having pencil and paper out and working through the examples with him!)

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This video connects ratios and proportions with examples.

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This video might be the most important because it helps unlock math word problems you will see. If you have any questions, you can send them to me in the comments section below. Thanks!

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