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Sharing a love of calculus

Calculus not only helps you stand out when considering colleges, it’s a key skill used by many of the engineers we work with every day! Consider what your goal is for this year’s calculus class. Do you want a 4.0? Earn a specific AP score? Learn why Leibniz and Newton needed this math to unlock the universe?

We will work with your goal and the key concepts in calculus to tailor a personalized learning plan that not only is interesting, but will help make this math stick.

You may ask, why do you care? This company, edMe Learning, is all about combining face-to-face teaching with personally tailored online learning experiences. My name is Mike, and I work around the clock to make this dream a reality. I need your help to figure out the most difficult parts of calculus and the different ways to solve these problems. We will learn from each other and ensure that you meet your goals.

Overview of this page:

  1. Interactive Unit Circle: Great for the concepts of sin, cos, and tan.
  2. Cumulative derivative/integral grapher: Use self-talk to master this concept! Derivatives are rate of change at that point. Integrals show the total area at the curve.
  3. Communication tools: Always available, ready to help with sticky issues!

Unit Circle

This easy to use widget is best used by first clicking “Special Angles”. Use it to see how the values change together.

Derivative and Integral Grapher

This simulator starts with derivatives only. You can drag f(x) around to make the graph many different shapes. The derivative (the df/dx graph) shows the slope at every value of x.

Click “Integral” and you will immediately see the total area under the curve. If you drag f(x) below 0, you will see that the value of the integral decreases. Look at the end of the graph; it’s flat because f(x) is 0 so no area is being added to the cumulative total.

The best way to explore this topic is think of what does NOT make sense. Write down your questions and we can discuss them face-to-face or you can submit them below.

(If the Flash in this simulator is too archaic, you can try the original simulator here.)

This widget shows the derivative relationship as you change the constants for the two terms.